Buy Captagon Online

Buy Captagon Online

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Buy Captagon Online, Buy Captagon/Fenethylline Online at Research Chemical Meds Store Without Any Hassle And No Hidden Fees Top Stealth USA, UK, Canada and Australia – Buy Fenethylline Online – Captagon for Sale. The Jihadists’ Drug.

Capti” as its known in the streets is sold in pill form. Designed to create a false sense of courage and euphoria amongst soldiers, it is now sold cheaply on the streets and spreading pervasively through locations within the GCC. It’s a major problem in the United Arab Emirates with its open borders and over 200 diverse cultures that call Dubai home.
Buy Captagon Online

Buy Captagon Online, Fenethylline is the actual chemical name, and it was initially engineered in the early 60s in Germany. Now its marketed as an amphetamine under the name Captagon and it is used both on the battlefield and the streets of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) to destroy lives, both young and old. ”

Seizure of crystal meth and Captagon by authorities in the UAE increased 280% between 2015 and 2016 and have continued throughout 2017. Captagon is seen as an easily transported narcotic which can be dealt on the street for a profit.

It is small, easy to transport and looks fairly innocuous in its small white or beige pill-shaped form. Users include those who are trying to slim down, students and people trying to stay awake for extended periods of time.

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Buy Captagon Online

Buy Captagon Online, Fenethylline (BAN, USAN) is a derivative of theophylline and amphetamine that functions as a precursor to both substances. It is also known as amphetamin oethyl theophylline and fenetylline (INN), as well as phenethylline and fenetylline. The medication was sold under the names Captagon, Biocapton, and Fitton for use as a psychostimulant. As an alternative to amphetamine and methamphetamine, Captagon was first produced in 1961 to treat narcolepsy, fatigue, and the behavioral disorder “minimal brain dysfunction.” Dexamphetamine was already being used by the military to “enhance courage and bravado” and keep soldiers awake for long periods of time. Captagon was intended to be a less potent version of these drugs. However, by the 1980s, the United States government had classified it as a controlled substance with no known medical use. In the 1980s, the drug’s production ceased.

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However, the production of illegal goods has continued and recently increased in Europe and the Middle East. According to some sources, Captagon is one of the most popular recreational drugs among Middle Eastern youth who have money. There is no doubt that the “Captagon” that extremist groups like Islamic Forces (ISIS or ISIL) use to improve soldiers’ abilities today is very different from the Captagon of the 1980s. Illegal production most likely combines a number of highly addictive stimulants with compounding effects into a single destructive pill rather than just two main ingredients.

As with any highly addictive substance, this “new age” Captagon is likely to irreversibly alter brain circuitry that controls impulse control and judgment, destroying a person’s ability to reason or think rationally. Fenethylline and captagon for sale online Captagon, the brand name for the drug compound fenethylline hydrochloride, is what they are making. It was first made in West Germany in the 1960s. It was developed as a treatment for depression, narcolepsy, and attention deficit disorder. Although the drug was outlawed two decades later due to its addictive properties, it was too late for the Middle East, where a regional network began producing and smuggling millions of pills.

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